
What up JaeWon?

by JaeWon Choi posted Jul 26, 2004


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Hey JaeWon,
How are ya? Is hot weather treating you well? Sweating enough?
Any girl's in your team? Make sure you smell good & keep you good manner to her or them. I want my grandnephew to be a gentleman.
What are you guys talking about when you walk? Are you thinking hard about your future? Do you have enough water to drink? Did you pick your buddy yet? Or any girl to hang out with?
Your mother is doing well, so don't worry about her. Just enjoy yourself.
Please update me when you find a cute girl to hang out during your long trip.
Have FUN! Wishing you and your team members safe trip.
See ya later when I go to Seoul. Till then, CHEERS!
Veronica HaalMuNee