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Funny English short stories丿懓丶有來生♀

by 이상현 posted Jul 30, 2011


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    I see your photos ,oh you are very handsome.(☆_☆)
    I will tell you obama very miss You ,When I give him bath he don`t like .and bite me!!= =# He like in you bedroom,very hate me locked him in the sitting room,and noisy with me !! my god!!
    Do you swimming?Guang zhong is so hot ,if you in the home I will take you go to swimming very day!!loh ~~just now nobody help me moving things! yestday supermarket send me a bit wax gourd...my bicycle was pressure slanting!!
     Funny English short stories for you!!

1:Whose   Child  Is  It?
    A  pupil  said  excitedly  to  his  father,"The  teacher  said  a  child  drinking  hippopotamus‘   milk  has  gain  20  pounds  of  weight  in  a  month."  His  father,
in  a  stern  voice, said," Nonsense !  Where  is  such  a  thing ? Whose  child  is
it ?" "It  is  the  hippopotamus'  child ." The  pupil  answered.
        一个小学生激动地对他爸爸说:“老师说一个孩子喝河马的奶,一个月长了20磅。”他爸爸用严厉的声调说:“胡说!哪有这样的事情?是谁的孩子?” “是河
2:Is   Little  Jack  Clever ?
        There  was  a  mango  tree  in  Mr  Smith 's  yard .  One  day  , suspecting  the
children  in  the  neighborhood  would  try  to  climb  his  tree  for  those  delicious
ripe  fruits  , he  left  his  pet  monkey  out  in  the  tree  to  guard  it .  This  kept
the  children  away  from  the  tree ----at  least , most  of  the  children .  However,
it  did  not  bother  little  Jack . He  thought  of  a  good  idea  to  get  Mr  Smith 's
mangoes . He  threw  stones  at  the  monkey , who  became  very  angry  and  threw
mangoes  back  at  little  Jack .